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More (Dalian) Technology Co., Ltd. Party Branch Successfully Held Party Activists' Enrollment Conference
Release:time:2024-01-03 13:47:37

On July 19th, More (Dalian) Technology Co., Ltd. Party Branch held a party activists' enrollment conference. The meeting was conducted through a combination of online and offline methods to discuss the application for party membership by Comrade Hu Yue, with comrade Xu Xiaoying, the Party Secretary of the group, presiding over the meeting.

The conference strictly followed the requirements and procedures specified in the Constitution of CPC and the Detailed Rules for the Development of Party Members of CPC.


Reading Party Membership Application 

During the first session of the conference, Comrade Hu Yue read out her application for party membership. She reported on her performance during the observation period regarding her studies, daily life, and work, expressing her willingness and determination to join the party. She also identified areas for self-improvement and future efforts, stating her intention to learn from exemplary party members and strive to become a qualified communist party member.

Comments from the Mentor

As the mentor, Secretary Xu provided an introduction to Comrade Hu Yue's work performance during the observation period, agreed to her conversion to a party activist, and put forward hopes and requirements based on her personal characteristics and shortcomings.


Party Members' Voting

Party members in attendance discussed Comrade Hu Yue's party membership application and deliberated on their opinions. The conference adopted a show of hands voting method, unanimously approving Comrade Hu Yue's application.

Announcement of the Resolution

Secretary Xu read out the Resolution of the Branch Conference on Determining Party Activists, introducing the conference proceedings and results, unanimously confirming Comrade Hu Yue as a party activist.

Conference Conclusion

Secretary Xu congratulated Comrade Hu Yue on becoming a party activist and provided final remarks. Secretary Xu emphasized that joining the Communist Party of China carries greater responsibilities and obligations, requiring strict self-discipline, earnestly studying the party's advanced ideology, theories, guidelines, and policies. She encouraged comrades to equip themselves with the spirit of the 20th Party Congress and Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, use the new party constitution as their guide for action, and fulfill their duties as party members.


In the new era, there are new requirements for advancing new constructions, and new expectations for party members. It is hoped that all comrades can keep pace with the times, set higher standards and stricter requirements for themselves, become role models for those around them, proceed steadfastly and courageously, stand at the forefront of the times, and become high-quality communist party members needed in the new era

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